Sunday, November 21, 2021


Life is always a rollercoaster.  At least mine is!  From fighting illness for a few years, to a bad car accident, and then COVID, it's been interesting to say the least.  I've read through it all, I just haven't posted my reviews.  Some books I read and didn't even write a review at all!  However, I've decided to come back to post my reviews here and on my Goodreads account.  This is only a small blog with extremely limited readership, but it doesn't really matter.  I like to put my reviews out there in case they help someone.  Maybe I'm crazy?

Along the way, I've discovered mysteries!  I have to admit, I'm really enjoying them!  I never thought I'd like mysteries because, you know, someone dies.  But I found cozy mysteries leave out the gruesome details.  I like that.  A lot.  I see enough gruesome details in my job, I don't need to see them in my books.

I've also read about half of the Julia Quinn Bridgerton series.  I will review them at some point.  Truthfully, they weren't good enough to make me want to watch the Netflix series.  One or two books stand out as pretty good, but mostly I don't find them to be all that noteworthy.  I'm surprised they were picked up to be made into a series.  

I also am planning to review Preston and Child's Pendergast series as well.  I've only read eight of them.  A friend of mine has read them all and has informed me that they gotten to be more like Lovecraftian horror with a healthy dose of dimensional travel thrown in so I don't know if I will actually finish the series.  I don't like horror.  Especially horror in the Lovecraft vein.  I also am not a fan of taking an otherwise pretty solid series into the realm of...mysticism is the best word I can come up with.  Although, truth be told, some of that is already showing up in the last two books I've read.  And, no, I wasn't happy to see it hinted at there either.

As I am doing this reboot around the holidays, it is likely I will review a few holiday romances.  I have revealed before that I'm a sucker for holiday romances.  Really holiday books in general.  I love Christmas!  So any book that deals with the holidays will probably be something I enjoy.  Given that, I will review a few.  Maybe not all of them, I've read quite a few!

If I decide to do any type of reading challenge or anything of that nature, I will post about it here.  I probably won't do anything more than set a goal for myself.  The really big challenges with all the specific items you have to read to complete the challenge are fine, but they tend to suck the joy out of reading for me.  The last few years I've simply set a small goal.  This year my goal was to read only sixteen books.  I've read more than that of course.  I don't like to set super high goals because that too sucks the joy out of reading.  If I have to rush through two books a week to meet my goal, that isn't enjoyable.  I'd rather just give myself a relaxed goal and then read past it if time permits.  Some years I can read thirty or forty books.  Other years I'm lucky to eek out twelve.  And that's okay.  Reading is about enjoyment and not about attaining a number.

I hope you enjoy the upcoming holiday season and find time to do a little reading.  I'd love to hear about what you're reading.  I have a long list of books I want to read, but I'm always willing to add to it!  Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Happy reading!

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